How important is BWE's WebEvent 'Obstruction Lighting and ADLS for Wind Turbines' for the international wind industry?
K. Keusgen: There are a number of solutions being offered at the German national level, so operators of wind farms have different options to receive information on the topic of ADLS. We are well-positioned in Germany and somewhat ahead of other countries in terms of ADLS development. At the international level, wind energy market participants have the opportunity to network and maybe benefit from the experience and solutions that we have here in Germany. For this reason, the WebEvent is a good and timely initiative by the BWE.
Why is German experience with ADLS relevant for the international market?
K. Keusgen: Country-specific requirements and regulations are a complex topic. Many different parties and interest groups need to be involved in the implementation. The top priority is air traffic safety. This must always be ensured. The international market receives important information and benefits from the insights and experience gathered in Germany in providing air traffic safety. Nevertheless, implementation has to be country-specific. It is also beneficial for the international wind energy market that the ADLS systems are tried and tested due to their early implementation on the German market. This enables international operators to get a good overview of the individual ADLS systems. For example, we now know that transponder-based ADLS systems provide the best price-performance ratio. At the same time, the overall price level has fallen thanks to new innovations. This experience enables international market participants to develop targeted cooperation partnerships at an early stage.
What experiences has Deutsche Windtechnik had with ADLS on the international market so far?
K. Keusgen: We are increasingly getting inquiries from wind farm operators in other countries, especially from Sweden, the UK and France. The requirements are sometimes different. Many wind farm operators are thankful that we can pass on the knowledge we have gained in Germany and offer them a turnkey transponder-based ADLS system that can be integrated with any turbine technology.
In your opinion, what are the next steps that need to be taken to successfully address the issue of ADLS in the international wind industry?
K. Keusgen: The regulatory requirements in particular need to be harmonised. Even if national regulations will continue to be important, the basic requirements for the installation of an ADLS system need to be standardised at the European level or, if possible, at an even higher level. The IEC Committee is working very hard on this. But its work can only be successful if national authorities cooperate to achieve this goal.
How likely do you think it is that we will see harmonisation and possibly international technical ADLS standards, in view of the range of country-specific regulations? And why is this the right time to talk about it?
K. Keusgen: The market should take one step at a time. Associations and regulatory authorities are currently working together with our European neighbours and helping them take their first steps. ADLS systems and the specific ADLS requirements always influence each other. Requirements, regulations and linked safety mechanisms can be harmonised to a large extent in the long term based on trust in the successfully functioning ADLS systems. The bottom line is that everything is about the safety of air traffic.
The matching free webinar:
Free WebSeminar on September 23: Obstruction Lighting and ADLS for wind turbines