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Wölfel Wind Systems GmbH

Max-Planck-Straße 15DE97204Höchberg
Phone:+49 (0)931 49708-0
Fax:+49 (0)931 49708-150
How do you make profits with knowledge?

From structural health monitoring including ice detection to dampers for tonalities and vibrations – we offer proven solutions to increase yield and optimize lifetime extension.


We are experts in vibrations and signal analysis, providing information on structural damage and lifetime consumption, monitoring material fatigue, and offering dampers for tonalities and vibrations.

Strong vibrations, varying wind speeds, or sound emissions – both onshore and offshore require professional engineering to ensure the safe and efficient operation of wind turbines generators (WTG) and to meet regulatory requirements.

Our ice detection system IDD.Blade® minimizes WTG downtime through reliable ice detection. We offer comprehensive solutions for monitoring tower and foundation structures, optimally preparing you for continued operation. Thanks to precise information about the condition of the foundation and tower, we enable accurate asset evaluation and maximize operational lifespan. The combined use of engineering expertise and AI significantly improves the detection accuracy of anomalies in the foundation. With customized solutions for tower and foundation monitoring, we provide all the necessary information for condition-based inspections, which are particularly important in the offshore sector.

Low-frequency vibrations of the entire WTG can cause high stress on the tower, significantly reducing the tower structure's lifespan. Excessive vibrations during assembly can make rotor blade installation impossible or only feasible under very limited weather conditions. Resonant vibrations, in particular, can be effectively and cost-efficiently mitigated by our TMD.Tower damper.

A noise-reduced operation can significantly reduce your wind park's yields. With ADD.Sound®, you minimize tonality and return to normal operating mode. With more than 1000 systems in the market, we rightly consider ourselves technology leaders in active solutions for reducing gearbox tonalities.

more data:
  • Founded: 1971
  • Employees: 160