Recurring inspections | Rotor blade inspections with lightning protection measurement | Lifetime extension (BPW) | Commissioning and warranty inspections | Vibration analyses | Damage reports
As an accredited inspection body for wind turbines, we use our impartial expertise to ensure the longest possible, safe and economical operating life for each and every wind turbine.
Every year, our experts inspect more than 800 wind turbines across Europe from a wide range of manufacturers and power classes according to individually developed inspection plans. Numerous operators rely on our expertise, especially when it comes to inspections of Enercon wind turbines. We are a member of the BWE Expert Advisory Board and an inspection body accredited by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020 for the scope specified in the certificate annex D-IS-21476-01-00.
Keep the overview
With our manufacturer-independent expert reports and with our experience as experts, you can keep track of the condition of your wind turbine or wind farm. These inspections form the basis for the longest possible trouble-free operation and high plant availability.
Accredited inspections
- Lifetime extension expert reports (BPW)
- Periodic inspection (WKP)
- Rotor blade inspection incl. lightning protection measurement by rope access technique or by drone
- Condition-oriented inspection (ZOP)
- Commissioning expert reports
- Out of contract/warranty inspections
- Damage expert reports
- Technical due diligence
Supplementary analyses
- Vibration analyses (offline and online)
- Video endoscopies
- Thermographies
- Oil and grease analyses
Lifetime extension
The lifetime extension of wind turbines beyond 20 years is a matter close to our hearts. Therefore, it is our goal to provide our customers with services that enable them to keep their wind turbines in operation for as long as possible. As an accredited inspection body, we carry out the assessment and testing for lifetime extension of wind turbines (BPW) and are available as an independent advisor for all questions.
- Sachverständigenbeirat
- Founded: 2006
- Employees: 18