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Banks, financial institutions & financial service providers

DZ BANK has been a reliable partner for the financing of wind power plants for over 25 years. Together with R+V Versicherung, solutions for insuring the wind ...
DAL supports investments in solar and wind energy projects with tailor-made financing solutions in Germany and abroad in Europe.
Since 1994, HCOB has stood for long/short-term project financing of renewable energies across the value chain in Europe. The focus is on PE funding, M&A, bridge ...
Commerz Real AG manages among others structured real assets’ investments in real estate, renewable energies and infrastructure for (semi-) professional ...
As Germany’s development bank for agribusiness and rural areas, we offer low-interest financing for the generation, storage and distribution of renewable ...
Our bank has been involved in financing renewable energy projects since the mid-1990s. With numerous project financing and advisory mandates for wind farms we ...
Through its investment concepts from 1-100% ÖKORENTA offers developers equal partnerships that provide the necessary equity capital for project implementation ...